Sunday, February 3, 2008

Short on Beans

I was fortunate enough to visit the Santa Fe province in 1991, on a Group Study Exchange Program sponsored by Rotary International. Back then, the area was dominated by dairy farms and milk processing plants. Today it is one huge soybean field, from the asphalt to the horizon, with afew cornfields here and there. About 80% of the wheat fields have been planted with double crop beans, also.

Last time I was here, I remember saying that if I ever came back to Argentina, I would return to Carlos Pellegrini. These kids reminded me why.

I got to sneak a few shots of big brother convincing little brother it was time to open his piggy bank.

With a few pointers on technique......

...and a bigger rock....

the deed was done, and all came out to see how much was there.

Later that night, Miguel and his wife Chrisina, Alberto and his wife and Waldemar treated me to a wonderful meal and hospitality fit for a king, reminding why I wanted to return to this beautiful town.

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