Friday, February 29, 2008

San Ignacio

Just north of Santa Ana is San Ignacio, an old Jesuit mission that has been partially restored. Above is the front of the church. Below are some shots of a few of the wonderful doors and windows.

The final picture is another view of the front of the church.

Santa Ana in the Misiones district of Argentina

North of Posada on the way to Iquazu Falls, we stopped at two old Jesuit missions. The first was Santa Ana, which has been excavated, but not restored. The above is a view across what was the plaza.

The people lived in long rows of houses organized around the plaza. Here are the foundation stones of one.

To the right of the church was the cemetery. This is a grave without a door.

Here is a closeup of it´s contents. Reminds me a little bit of the Easter Gospel.

The creation wants this place back.

This is the final shot of Santa Ana, the church. Reminds me of some congregations I know in Texas.

Iguazu Falls from the Brazil side

Earlier in the blog we posted pictures of the waterfalls from the Argentina side. Now that we have the $150 visa we have been able to cross over into Brazil and to see the falls from the more panoramic side. It cannot be captured by my little camera, but the pictures below are most of the parts of a truly wonderful sight.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Leaving the Estancia el Refugio was tough, but the road was calling. The area was in need of rain, but the soybeans looked good.

I went to San Justo to meet up with Horacio, who took me to dinner with his brother and their wives.

The next day they treated me to an asado at their weekend house, or quincho

His son, Juan Martin, gave me a tour of the area, and showed me his best crop of soybeans. Yes, he is standing up.

Uncle Richard would be proud, 1/4 kilo of heaven

I went to Reconquista the next day and got to eat lunch with some of the Rotarians from the last time and one of their newer members.
After lunch, Octavio(l), toured me around and we went to Raul´s(r) wheat flour mill. I got a personal tour from the owner. It was quite interesting for me.

Raul even showed me the BMW Isetta 4 seater he is restoring.