Saturday, February 16, 2008

Iguazu Falls

While Mom was here we took a side trip to Iguasu Falls, near the Paraguay, Brasil, Argentina border To get there, you have to got to the sleepy (and humid) little town of Puerto Iguasu

This picture really doesn't do it justice, it's actually one of a nine picture panorama. This place is huge

The highlight of the tour is the powerboat ride below the Falls(note the tilt of the boat)

The pilot wasn't shy about taking us right up into the mist and spray

Sometimes we got so close it was almost like swimming(notice all the wet heads)
Our pilot got (and deserved) several rounds of applause

Which Eva?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mom Came to Town

A few days after we got to Buenos Aires, my mother, Charlene, came for a visit

The Obelisc, a major landmark on the 9th of July avenue

We went to the La Boca neighborhood, where they start 'em young

We went to a museum or two....or three

A painting of Juan and Eva Peron, some like 'em, some don't

We saw a small amount of pomp and circumstance

We toured the famous Recoleta Cemetary, where they have the ornate.....
and the simple

There was one for me(if I grew a beard and brought my own N along)

We went to a Tango show that incuded some indigenous music
Our seats were right at the stage so we had a great view
I guess I'm a fast learner, because the next day I was "dancing in the streets"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Blast from the Past

Before I could leave Santa Fe, I had to stop by and say hello to Luis, who had invited some of us to his house in 1991. He had a nice homebuildiing materials store in town where he kept his office.

Then I headed south to Rosario, to meet up with Lou and try to find Rogellio and his family, who had been my host in Carlos Pellegrini.
He and his beautiful family invited me for lunch, and we had a great time.
Later, he took me to a Rotary meeting at the Rosario South Club....
and then gave me a guided tour of the city. Thanks Rogellio! This is the Monumento a la Bandera (Monument to the Flag) in Rosario at night.

When Lou and I left Rosario, we went to Lujan, to see the Basilica of Our Lady of Lujan, quite a sight.

We also went to Tigre, and checked out the waterfront.

Before I went to our place in Buenos Aires, I stopped and touched base with Eduardo and Graciella, who were the first people I met in Santa Fe in 1991, still just as nice and kind as they were then.