Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October 10 2007

Today we awoke to a balmy morning in Tehuantepec near the Pacific coast. We left the 335 foot elevation and continued southeast along the coast. The terrain was reminiscent of Nueces county as you approach Corpus Christi. After a couple of hours we turned back inland and started up into the mountains, on our way toward our goal for the day, San Cristobal de Las Casas. Someone told me before this journey "I hope you find what you are looking for",to which I replied "I'm not looking for anything". After a day like today, I realize there actually are things worth going to look for. To ride from 300ft and 92 degrees and rise to over 6000ft into the clouds and feel the temperature drop to 60 degrees, all the while being mezmerized by corn growing on near vertical hillsides..........and then riding into the clouds and the visibility dropping to less than 100 yards.......totally indescribable. I'm trying to be safe, and limit my photos from the bike , so you'll have to use your imagination, and settle for one of last nights dinner.

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