Monday, November 26, 2007

The Road to Cuzco

Lou had the fish dish.

Landon and Sean tried the cuy (Guinea Pig is a favorite here)

A mall in Lima. We traveled how far to get here?

Shawn Norris, astronaut in the Peruvian desert

The Nazca lines.

We spent several days in Lima, which is really a much more beautiful city than the guidebooks would lead one to believe. A wonderful couple hosted us in their home, and there was time to catch up on email, wash clothes, change oil in the bikes and take in some of the sites. During the morning of the last day in Lima I went to the airport to pick up my friend Shawn Norris who came in from Kansas City. He will ride along with us for 10 days. Then we all drove south along the desert coast to Nazca.

The next morning was Thanksgiving Day at home, and we experienced temperatures in the 80s. As we drove up into the high sierra, the scenery was spectacular. However the clouds moved in and the temperatures dropped until we were plowing through freezing rain and snow in the middle of nowhere. We spent a couple of miserable hours on top until we dropped down from the high country along a river to Chalhuanca, a little town that advertised hot water above the front door. If it would have cost $100 we would have been thankful, but it was only $8 a night. The next day we took the remainder of the road to Cuzco. It was comparatively tame.


Izzy said...

that "astronaut" photo is awesome! keep the posts and pics coming!


Nicole Cleary said...

The pictures of Machu Picchu are amazing! I wish I was there!