Sunday, October 21, 2007

San Jose, Costa Rica

There is a warning on the bottle of our daily malaria medication about taking it and exposure to direct sunlight. Well we haven't had any problems with that for a while. We got a little direct sunlight this morning, but it's raining again and we are safe from any possible side effects.

Do you know the way to San Jose? We thought we did when we took off from Liberia yesterday, but all the rain had washed out the Pan American Highway. The alternate route took us down to the Pacific where we saw some big waves. The road was narrow, punctuated with one lane bridges and hairpin curves. The traffic was impressive. The scenery must have been beautiful, but we were riding in the clouds most of the way over the mountains, so we missed it.

We're in San Jose, Costa Rica, and staying in a nice hotel with a swimming pool and hot tub. It's like being at a conference in Minneapolis. We arrived in the city during a rainstorm. Sean had a flat on the front tire while we were exiting the freeway. We all stopped in a bunch at the end of the busy entrance ramp to another limited access road. Landon went into response mode, and within 10 minutes the puncture had a temporary fix, the tire was inflated, and we were off like a pack of dogs. It was a triumph.

There are five of us now including two guys from the UK. Tomorrow we'll go to the BMW dealer here to pick up a few parts and get a little advice. Then we're off toward the border with Panama.

We're kinda anxious to get to South America, so there hasn't been a lot of smelling of roses along the way. I look forward to shifting gears once we are there. I don't have much else to add to Landon's entry. Sean's blog (listed at the top of ours) will also give details of the trip. I'm sorry that we can't post pictures from this internet station. We'll do that in the next couple of days.

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