Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lou and his bike in Granada, Nicaragua

Flora and Fauna in Panama

Landon is the one who has been making the posts lately in this blog. I´ve thought about it a lot, and have even had several opportunities, but I didn´t know what to write. In almost every way the past few days been routine: riding, asking for directions, eating, packing, unpacking, sleeping, reading, washing clothes, and drinking a refreshing beverage. I haven´t come up with much that seemed remotely interesting to folks back home. In most ways, we could be home.
In comparing the backpacking trip through Central America in 1976 and this one, I´m surprised at how much things seemed to have changed, or maybe I´ve changed. I´m wondering if everywhere is starting to look more like everywhere else. You imagine exotic places you want to see and people you want to meet. Maybe you even remember them from former visits. Then, when you arrive, they seem so common and familiar. The thought is comforting and sad at the same time.
If all goes as planned, tomorrow we and our bikes will be in South America. Mid-day the motorcycles should be on one airplane and we on another, hoping to meet again in Bogota. Then begins the adventure south through and along the Andes. I´m thinking there might be plenty to write about again.


Anonymous said...

Twice I have left incisive and erudite comments about what you guys are experiencing, but hit the wrong key--which sent the remarks into the outer stratosphere.
Sounds like you and your equipment are being rigorously tested--like adventurers who have set out before you (Scott, Amundsen, Byrd, Che Guevara). :)
On our way to San Miguel...

Pastor Lori said...

Luchito, I love that picture of you, and I'm *sure* that's coffee in your cup... We miss you! And envy you. Thanks for the updates.